Located in the heart of the Wind River Reservation, Wind River Tribal Victim Services, a subsidiary of Wind River Family & Community Health Care, provides services to the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes.

Tribal Victim Services

Tribal Victim Services (TVS)  offers comprehensive and culturally-specific services for victims and survivors of crime including, but not limited to: domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, child abuse, elder abuse, children who bear witness to violence, MMIP victims and survivors, and non-offending loved ones who suffer secondary victimization.

Mission Statement

“Restoring safety, dignity, self-determination, and hope through immediate crisis services, long-term support, empowerment, and education. By offering best practices and recognizing hope as the antidote to trauma, we aim to create a collaborative and supportive environment for our community while honoring individual value, viewing survivors as experts on their own situations, and promoting whole health and healing.”

Vision Statement

“A community free from violence and flourishing in traditions, language, and culture.”

All services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. You can call our crisis line 24/7 at (307) 840-1098. For non-urgent requests, visit our Contact page to submit a message.

The Family Justice Building houses family advocates who are cross-trained to work with child and adult victims. Family Advocates respond to reports of victimization in real time by responding to WRFCHCS clinics located in Riverton (off WRIR), Arapahoe (on WRIR), Ethete (on WRIR) and the surrounding hospitals in Riverton and Lander (off WRIR).

We’re here to help

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